Sunday, January 9, 2011

Every Good and Perfect Plan

It's no secret that I'm a dreamer.  I envision things, I plan them out exactly how I hope they'll turn out, and I jump on chance on whims of faith.  Then...I hope and pray that it doesn't end up biting me in the ass. :D  I'm a creature of hope.  I tend to live on the edge of circumstance and I jump frequently.  The danger of being a dreamer, however, is that all too often heartache results.  Why then, you ask, continue on living the the life of chance?  The answer is really quite simple: I truly believe that with every heartache, no matter how big or small, there is something beautiful waiting on the other side. 

After all...if not for heartache, what would we know of joy?  If not for failure, what would we know of success?

One thing is certain: that old adage about change being the only constant in life is true.  We must *always* be ready for change.  There are times when we set out to do things with the absolute very best of intentions and still receive completely unexpected, sometimes seemingly awful results.  Disappointing, right?  The way I see it is this: we can at that point choose to feel defeated and let disappointment get the best of us, or we can embrace the twist of change and look forward to what will eventually prove to be something even better.

I woke up this morning (at an ungodly hour, mind you!) struggling with this very subject.  In fact, I set out to write this about a month ago and just have not had the inspiration to put it all down in words.  It's as if God needed for me to eat my own words first.  True to form of course, I've had to adjust my own attitude based on the circumstances I hadn't planned for.

In the time it's taken me to type this out I've seen a beautiful sunrise over the Tennessee hills and I'm reminded that today is a brand new opportunity to pick myself up and reach out to embrace every dream I've ever had.  Today I choose to leave disappointment behind me.  I will go forth with a bag full of life's (often painful, but always great) lessons.  And in an effort to stay true to myself, I will choose to continue on in a journey full of chance and faith. 

To you my lovelies, I challenge you this: Dare to dream.  Take a chance.  Live on the edge.  Don't let life's disappointments knock you down and keep you from what you truly seek for yourself.  Some of the best-laid plans never produce the results we are hoping for, but be patient my everything there is a reason.  Something truly wonderful is waiting for you at the end. :)

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